Wednesday, February 24, 2010

February 24

Today's Bible Reading...

Leviticus 15:1-6 - 16:28 -

Mark 7:1-23 - vs.13 - Making the Word of God of none effect through your traditions. Traditions are good but when traditions move in and take over there is a problem. How many things in our lives are simply tradition and how many of them have made the Word of none effect?

- Lord please help me to be aware of traditions that have crept in and pushed you and your Word out. May the only tradition I have is Love for you and my neighbor!

Psalm 40:11-17 -

Proverbs 10:13-14 -

February 23

Today's Bible Reading...

Leviticus 14:1-47 -

Mark 6:30-56 - vs.52 - Sometimes we experience miracles from jesus in our lives and it actually hardens our hearts. Envy creeps in. In this case the disciples saw the food that the multitude received and the power that Christ displayed and, in my opinion, we envious and it did not open their hearts, yet, to Jesus and His plan of salvation; though their hearts would be eventually opened and they would value His plan, later.

Psalm 40:1-10 -

Proverbs 10:11-12 -

February 22

Today's Bible Reading...

Leviticus 13:1-59 -

Mark 6:1-29 -

Psalm 39:1-13 -

Proverbs 14:1-57 -

February 21

Today's Bible Reading -

Leviticus 11:1 - 12:8 - vs 11:45 - For I am the Lord that brought you up out of Egypt, to be your God: You shall be Holy as I am Holy. Remembering what the lord has done in our lives is so important. We can look back on where we were and be so thankful for where the Lord has brought us, it helps in remembering the Lord and not forgetting and getting lazy and slipping back into sin.

I recently talked to a woman who I have witnessed being taken care of and derived by God is huge ways I personally know of 5 or 6 ways that the Lord has taken care of her. That means there are a million other ways the He has worked that I don't know about. However, she now confesses that she doesn't believe in God. It so saddened me and may me reflect on how God has taken care of me. It reminded me to be thankful for all He has done and never to forget His provisions.

Also, when someone thinks they are not very sinful and starts to point the finger at more sinful people around them remember this verse. God commands us to be Holy as He is Holy and less than this is sin. However, God knows this and deals with us accordingly, He is long-suffering, graceful etc. We are all sinful and should not be so high minded to think that we have achieved something above that which the Lord has set out in His Word.

Mark 5:21-43 -

Psalm 38:1-22 -

Proverbs 10:8-9 -

February 20

Today's Bible Reading...

Leviticus 9:7 - 10:20 - vs 10:10 - Separate the Holy from the unclean. Having reverence for that which is important for the Holy things are God's, however, not everything that man calls Holy is, in fact, Holy. Long robes, fancy buildings Go d does not hold value to these things, justice judgment, mercy these are important in the kingdom of God.

Mark 4:26 - 5:20 -

Psalm 37:30-40 -

Proverbs 10:6-7 -

Februrary 19

Today's Bible Reading...

Leviticus 7:28 - 9:6 - vs 30 - "His own hands" - To many times we assume that by giving to our local church is the same as giving to God. Things such as tithe, for example, giving to the church is not the same as giving to God. While we cannot simply give to God as He is not physically here. But as Jesus said to give to the poor or to a brother in need this is giving to God. Simply having the church as a type of "mediator" does not dissolve us of a responsibility and right to give to God. Building up a pastors work or seeming work; building up new building funds or fancier church buildings, or church programs that claim to be works of God is not what the Lord would have for His followers. They have enough money as it is it is not our responsibility to give money to greedy pastors or to this or that but rather to give all the the Lord living simply not wasting time working for more money that only keeps us busy so as to not remember the Lord always.

vs 31 - The Lord will take care of His pastors and priests. We, the lay person, being the priest. Out portion from the sacrifice is more than enough to take care of our needs. It is only our human nature alive and thriving that drives us to materialism and the idol that rules so many. Godliness with contentment is great gain. Be satisfies with what He has provided giving all back to Him for His good pleasure!

8:6 - Moses washed Aaron and his sons in front of all the congregation. Being washed with the Word cleansed from all our old fleshly ways in front of our brothers and sisters in the Lord is fantastic. It is also what the Lord wants form us. Transparency, not holding up an image of us that is better than we really are, this is the way of Christ!

Mark 3:31 - 4:25 - vs. 3:35 - Doing the will of the Father makes you a brother, sister, and mother. To put Mary the mother of Jesus on some pedestal is not Biblical not profitable.

4:2 - The parables of the sower is one of the greatest insights into the kingdom in all scripture. We notice that not all who hear are saved not even those that show some type of immediate fruit or lasting fruit even. Salvation is evident over time after testing, after proof is born and grown. Do not assume people are saved not not saved. Examining fruit is the duty of all. Not "sin sniffing" for we are all sinners and are corrupt! Will our fruit stand the test of time and especially the thorns of "the cars of this world". The riches that creep in and choke the Word out of our souls. Beware of the deceitfulness of riches!

Psalm37:12-29 - vs 16 - A little that the righteous man has is better than the riches of many wicked. Again and again the Bible says it, for wisdom is calling from the streets, please listen.

Proverbs 10:5 -

February 18

Today's Bible Reading...

Leviticus 6:1 - 7:27 -

Mark 3:7-30 -

Psalm37:1-11 -

Proverbs 10:3-4 -

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

February 17

Today's Bible Reading...

Leviticus 4:1 - 5:19 -

Mark 2:13 - 3:6 -

Psalm 36:1-12 -

Proverbs 10:1-2 -

February 16

Today's Bible Reading...

Leviticus 1:1 - 3:17 -

Mark 1:29 - 2:12 -

Psalm 35:17-28 -

Proverbs 9:13-18 -

February 15

Today's Bible Reading...

Exodus 39:1 - 40:38 -

Mark 1:1-28 -

Psalm 35:1-16 -

Proverbs 9:11-12 -

February 14

Today's Bible Reading...

Exodus 37:1 - 38:31 -

Matthew 28:1-20 -

Psalm 34:11-22 -

Proverbs 9:9-10 -

February 13

Today's Bible Reading...

Exodus 35:10 - 36:38 -

Matthew 27:32-66 -

Psalm 34:1-10 -

Proverbs 9:7-8 -

February 12

Today's Bible Reading...

Exodus 34:1 - 35:9 - vs 20 Redeeming a donkey requires a lamb... I have found, often, that the Church, in Scripture, is typed as a donkey. I find it interesting here that a lamb is prescribed for redemption of a donkey. In the same way we are only redeemed via the sacrifice of the only Holy Lamb of God Jesus Christ.

vs 24 - I love the fact that God will be watching their land as they go to worship Him. The same is true for us as we follow Him, Worshiping, doing His Will He will be our rear-reward. In other words He will watch our back. We can walk in Faith simply following taking no thought as to consequence for our earthly possessions or physical well being because He's got our back. Thank you Lord for protecting as you lead!

Matthew 27:15-31 - vs 18 - He knew that for envy they had delivered Him... The religious were envious of Jesus, envious of the way He knew the Father, the way He talked walked and knew the Father. In the same way we must guard against envy in our own lives. Envy of some perceived aspect of religious life our friends may have. For the very people we are envious of are the very people God often uses in our own lives to bring us to Him...

Psalm 33:12-22 -

Proverbs 9:1-6 -

February 11

Today's Bible Reading...

Exodus 32:1 - 33:23 -

Matthew 26:69 - 27:14 -

Psalm 33:1-11 -

Proverbs 8:33-36 -

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February 10

Today's Bible Reading...

Exodus 30:11 - 31:18 -

Matthew 26:47-68 -

Psalm 32:1-11 -

Proverbs 8:27-32 -

February 9

Today's Bible Reading...

Exodus 29:1 - 30:10 -

Matthew 26:14-46 -

Psalm 31:19-24 -

Proverbs 8:14-26 -

February 8

Today's Bible Reading...

Exodus 28:1-43 -

Matthew 25:31 - 26:13 -

Psalm 31:9-18 -

Proverbs 8:12-13 -

February 7

Today's Bible Reading...

Exodus 26:1 - 27:21 -

Matthew 25:1-30 -

Psalm 31:1-8 -

Proverbs 8:1-11 -

February 6

Today's Bible Reading...

Exodus 23:14 - 25:40 -

Matthew 24:29-51 -

Psalm 30:1-12 -

Proverbs 7:24-27 -

February 5

Today's Bible Reading...

Exodus 21:22 - 23:13 - The repayment for an ox goring someone is 30 pieces of silver, it is interesting that the sum of money Judas received for betraying Jesus was 30 pieces of silver, whats the connection? Psalm 22:12-13 is a Messianic Psalm describing the thoughts and feelings of Christ and He says "Many bulls have compassed me: strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round."

I find it interesting that Jesus felt like He had been gored and it would appear so from His wounds on the cross. So a nice connection in Scripture connecting all sorts of neat things that show more and more the heart of Christ.

Matthew 24:1-28 -

Psalm 29:1-11 -

Proverbs 7:6-23 -

February 4

Today's Bible Reading...

Exodus 19:16 - 21:21 -

Matthew 23:13-39 -

Psalm 28:1-9 -

Proverbs 7:1-5 -

February 3

Today's Bible Reading...

Exodus 17:8 - 19:15 -

Matthew 22:34 - 23:12 -

Psalm 27:7-14 -

Proverbs 6:27-35 -

February 2

Today's Bible Reading...

Exodus 15:19 - 17:7 -

Matthew 22:1-33 -

Psalm 27:1-6 -

Proverbs 6:20-26 -

Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1

Today's Bible Reading...

Exodus 13:17 - 15:18 -

Matthew 21:23-46 -

Psalm26:1-12 -

Proverbs 6:16-19 -

January 31

Today's Bible Reading...

Exodus 12:14 - 13:16 -

Matthew 20:29 - 21:22 -

Psalm 25:16-22 -

Proverbs 6:12-15 -

January 30

Today's Bible Reading...

Exodus 10:1 - 12:13 -

Matthew 20:1-28 -

Psalm 25:1-15 -

Proverbs 6:6-11 -

January 29

Today's Bible Reading...

Exodus 7:25 - 9:35 - I noticed that the plagues did not hit the Hebrews nor heir children nor their livestock etc. This reminds me of the time during the great Tribulation and is encouraging to me that while God brings His wrath on the world believers will be protected from it. Thank you Jesus for your Love and protection...

Matthew 19:13-30 -

Psalm 24:1-10 -

Proverbs 6:1-5 -