Genesis 3:1-4:26 - It is often said that Eve's troubles started when she added to the Word of God by including "neither shall ye touch it" when responding to the serpent and that maybe so. But it goes to show that even if we interpret God's command to us in a way that might not be "correct" it is not as important as simply following the command. Eve may have added but she disobeyed. Many aspects of the Christian life are allowed by God to be done in a way that is different for each person, some would call this working out your salvation with fear and trembling. I may, by giving to provision to the flesh, choose to throw out my television as per a conviction. Another may not either way the command still stands how it is gone about is between God and you. Again the important thing is following the command, for Eve may have added but her downfall came when she disobeyed.
3:15 "and I will put enmity between thee and the woman, between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shall bruise his heel" The first mention of the Gospel as it relates to the death of Jesus Christ. But this verse is interesting for several other reasons as well. 1. "Thy seed and her seed" Seed as is commonly known comes from the man, however not in the case of the one who will be bruised as His seed is of the Holy Spirit and the woman. Jesus is 100% God 100% man. His DNA is made up of Mary's and God the Fathers, so to speak.
I also find the phrase "thy seed" interesting as well, since again the serpent, satan, is not commonly thought of as to have any seed, though Jesus when talking to the Pharisees in John 8 said "Ye are your father he devil" and He says "anyone that is of God hears God's words". Not that the Pharisees or any Jewish person for that matter is of the devil rather anyone who is not of God is of the devil. This maybe what is referred to. I think it also hints at the Genesis 6 verses and the nephilim, that is, beings after the seed of satan.
Matthew 2:13-36 Preparing the way of the Lord, making His ways straight. For it is in the verses before that explain what exactly John the Baptists means by this statement. To prepare the way of the Lord, make His paths straight is to repent. When one repents from the way they naturally are going, the way from birth that will ultimately lead to death, God is there. His path is made straight. God is not deaf that He cannot hear nor His arm short that He cannot reach. In every instance in human history of a person repenting God has always been there with a straight path that leads to Him. The same is true for us today. A single act of repenting leads to God a straight path to Jesus Christ.
What does it mean to repent... The dictionary defines repent as:
To feel such regret for past conduct as to change one's mind regarding it.
Psalm 2:1-12 Many people have hope in the governments of the world for change, the believe if the right man or woman would lead that all would be well with the world. But these Scriptures show us the heart behind the people "in charge". They aim to war against God to break His bands that control society and the world, they do not want God in control for if He is in control they are not. Rulers and kings should be voted for and prayed for but it is not up to them it is up to God and to His children as to the temperature of His followers. For if any law is passed any legislation voted upon that goes against the teachings of God's Word His Word takes precedent and trumps the law of the land. For example marijuana may be made legal but it is not "legal" in God's eyes therefore I abstain not wanting to partake of anything that would grieve my Father in Heaven.
vs 11-12 - God gives the method and recipe for a right relationship between his creation, you and I, and He the maker of Heaven and earth and our Eternal Father in Heaven... Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son lest He become angry and ye perish from the way...
Oh how we need more fear and trembling, how we need God not to be so familiar that we are not reverent toward Him or His Holy position any more. God is our father but He is not our buddy. He is not here for us as a servant or a geenie to answer our every call and whim rather we are here for Him to serve and to honor and to give Him the credit for as Gen 1:1 says it is all because of Him and to Him is all credit due and does rightfully belong.
Proverbs 1:7-9 - To have wisdom is generally thought to have come from man or a certain degree that is obtained from a university rather then from a good healthy abundant dear of the Lord. All to often a mans position is sought rather then a relationship noticed. This is most evident in the house of God, pastors have a requirement of a degree from a University and more times then not that university actually hindered that poor soul rather than encouraged it. Nothing can be ascertained from a degree given or ordination received of man Gd does not work that way. How can we follow a man when we know not his secret life. Only by following closely and seeing his fear od the Lord are we to know weather or not that ma is worthy of being called pastor or following after.
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