When they come knocking
Part 2
Jude 3-4 Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.
The WATCHTOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY, its followers known as Jehovah’s Witnesses, claim to be the only true Christians on earth today. They also claim to have exclusive understanding of the Bible. According to the Watchtower, Jehovah’s Witnesses are the only ones who serve the true God, whom they say is Jehovah, and everyone else serves Satan. Because of these claims, we as Christians, have taken the Bible, which we believe is the Inspired Word of God, and used it to expose the false doctrines of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Ephesians 5:11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.
When they come knocking has been set up in an easy to understand format. Under each subject listed in the index, you will fine the heading, THE CURRENT TEACHING OF THE WATCHTOWER SOCIETY, followed by a direct quote from The Watchtower Publications. Below that you will read WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES about the doctrine. Scriptures are listed with subheading leading to a through study on the subject.
I encourage you to look up each of the reference in the Bible in order to receive a complete understanding of what the Bible teaches on each doctrine. Then share this information, with love and compassion, with the Jehovah’s Witness. Our goal is for the Jehovah’s Witness to recognize the error of his way and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
1 Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready to give an answer to every man that asked you a reason for the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.
Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Baptism
• Bible
• Blood Transfusions
• Born Again
• Church & Gospel
• Communion
• Cross
• Death
• Doctrine, False
• Date Setting
• Deity of Holy Spirit
• Deity of Jesus
• Disfellowshipping
• Flags
• False Prophets
• God's Name
• Good News • Grace
• Hell
• Holiday
• Heaven
• Heirs
• Kingdom
• Last Days
• Mistranslations
• Money
• Prayer
• Prejudice
• Resurrection
• Salvation (Assurance of)
• Second Coming
• Trinity
• War
• Works
• Worship
The Current Teaching of The Watchtower Society: Baptism
The Watchtower has established certain requirements for baptism which its followers are expected to carry out: (1) Each must gain accurate doctrinal knowledge through a systematic study of the Watchtower publications. (2) Each must pass an exam conducted by the Elders on over eighty questions concerning the Doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses before permission is granted for baptism. (3) Each must, in effect, declare any other prior baptism invalid.
What the Bible Says about BAPTISM:
1. Baptism Takes Place AFTER Faith in Christ is Expressed:
Believers were baptized at the same time they came to faith. Act 2:41; 9:17, 18
Believing in Christ was the necessary condition for baptism Act 18:8
In some cases believers were baptized the very hour they put their faith in Christ Act 16:30-33
As an example, Paul put his faith in Christ and was baptized soon after Act 22:16
Peter tells his audience to repent and then be baptized Act 2:37, 41
2. Examples from the Bible of the Practice of Baptism:
Believing Jews were baptized Act 2:41
Believing Gentiles were baptized Act 10:44-48; 18:8
Examples of entire households practicing baptism as believers Act 16:15, 33; 1Cr 1:16
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: The Bible
The Watchtower Society claims that only the 144,000 individuals (a figure arrived at from the pages of the Book of Revelation) can actually understand the Bible. It is an organizational book -- a book given to an organization and not to individuals. It can be interpreted and explained only by God's own designated organization, the Watchtower Society. The organization's interpretations and explanations are found on the pages of the Watchtower publications.
1. The Bible Teaches That ANY Spirit-Filled Believer In Jesus Christ Can Have A Practical Understanding Of The Bible:
If he is spiritual 1Cr 2:4-16
If he has the Holy Spirit Jhn 14:25-26
If he lets the Holy Spirit guide him Jhn 16:13-15
If he does not depend on man's wisdom 1Cr 2:9-14
If he lets the Bible instruct him -- not the Watchtower Society 2Ti 3:16
If he searches the scriptures regularly, daily Act 17:11
If he seeks to get his approval from the Bible 2Ti 2:15
If Christ is his only Master Mat 23:8-12
3. The Bible Teaches That All True Believers Are Of Equal Value Before God; No One Has A Special Interpretive Right To The Bible:
Believers are one in Christ Jhn 17:20-23
Believers share a common teacher, the Holy Spirit Eph 4:4, 5
4. See appendix A for an exhausted reference on “The Scripture”
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Blood Transfusion
Transferring blood from the veins or arteries of one person to another is equivalent to feeding upon or "eating" the blood and is unscriptural, causing loss of eternal life. Thus, if a person receives a blood transfusion, he will not inherit a place in the kingdom of God.
What the Bible Says about BLOOD:
1. The BLOOD OF CHRIST Has A Special, High Place In Scripture:
It alone is sufficient for eternal life -- not ours Hbr 9:13, 14
With one sacrifice, it paid for all of mans' sins Hbr 9:24-28
It brought eternal life to every believer Jhn 6:53-56
2. Concerning The HUMAN CONSUMPTION Of Blood:
Nothing coming from the outside of a believer can make him defiled or impure; thus ending the possibility of eternal life Mar 7:15
Eating blood cannot defile a believer Mat 15:11
3. Concerning Any Eternal Penalty For The Consumption Of ANIMAL BLOOD:
Violation of health laws does not effect eternal life Act 15:20, 28, 30
Jesus' personal sacrifice made the observance of ceremonial law no longer necessary Lev 17:14; Gal 5:14
Eternal life is not based on ceremonial law observance Rom 6:14
Christ provided a means for any law breaker -- that's 100% of earth's population -- to be able to have assurance of eternal life Rom 10:4
Note: There are three important points the student of this subject must consider when seeking to understand the meaning of the Scriptures regarding the sanctity of blood...
First, the practice of the peoples in the days of the Apostles and before involved the drinking of blood as part of the worship of various deities, and, among some peoples, as a means of gaining supernatural power which they understood to be in the blood. It was this idolatrous purpose and practice which surely motivated God to forbid the drinking of blood in the first place.
Second, it is a scientific fact that blood cannot be completely removed from any living thing that is used for food. Virtually everyone that eats meat or its by-products has "eaten" a large amount of blood during their lifetime. This means that virtually every Watchtower Society member -- unless they are strict vegetarians -- has consumed a large quantity of animal blood during their lifetime.
Third, blood transfusions involve the use of blood for the same purpose as God intended it to be used: as a life-giving agent in the blood stream. No worship of alien deities or the gaining of supernatural power is involved. The recipient of a blood transfusion does not "eat" the blood, which would be using it for different purpose. A similar example of this principle should be noted: a skin graft, a kidney transplant, cornea transplant, or the like. A pint of blood given by a willing, healthy donor is a gift of life in much the same way as that of a cornea or a kidney. No violation of any laws of sanctity is involved.
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Born Again
"Born again" means "going to heaven." This privilege is limited to Jesus and the 144,000 spiritual brothers and sisters chosen since Jesus' time. The remainder of the Jehovah's Witnesses do not become "born again," but are assigned the designation "the other sheep" and will remain on the Earth forever.
What the Bible Says about Being BORN AGAIN:
1. The New Birth Means Regeneration, With All Believers Being Equally Renewed:
All believers are united under one fold, not a heavenly class and earthly class Jhn 10:15, 16
2. The New Birth is Necessary Because of:
Man's inability to renew himself in his present state Jhn 3:3, 5
Man's human flesh alone cannot accommodate eternal life Jhn 3:6
Man is under a curse and will die Eph 2:1
2.The New Birth is Introduced to Man By:
The Holy Spirit Jhn 3:5, 8; Tts 3:5
The Word of God Jam 1:18; 1Pe 1:23
Man's obedience Rom 6:17, 18
3. The Steps To Receiving The New Birth:
We acknowledge that NO ONE is good enough to receive it Rom 3:10
We admit that sin brings death to any man Rom 6:23
We confess that we, too, have sinned Rom 3:23
We declare that Christ died for our sins Rom 5:8
We recognize Jesus as Lord and put our trust in Him Rom 10:9, 10
We accept the gift of eternal life 1Jo 5:11-13; Jhn 5:24
We seek to discover and live out God's plan for our life Jhn 10:10; 2Cr 5:17; 1Th 5:18
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society:
The true Church is made up of the 144,000 individuals purchased form the Earth by Jesus Christ. Those not belonging to the "the church" but who follow the principles set forth by the Watchtower Society are called the "great crowd." They follow the directions of 144,000 in preaching the Good News or Gospel of the Kingdom.
What the Bible Says about THE CHURCH:
1. There Is Only One True Church:
All Believers have been baptized into one body 1Cr 12:13-20
Believers are one in body though they are many in number and diversity Rom 12:4-8
Though it is difficult to understand (a mystery) all believers are of the same body and follow the same Gospel Eph 3:5-7
All believers are uniquely and especially joined together Eph 2:10-22
All believers are one family in Jesus Gal 3:26-29
All believers are spiritually one, just as Jesus and the Father are one Jhn 17:11-13
All believers were designed by God to be one body Col 3:15
2. There Is Only ONE Gospel Message:
There is only one simple Gospel message which saves men 1Cr 15:1-14
The one simple Gospel message is frequently distorted 2Cr 11:3, 4
Any message that alters the simple Bible Gospel is false Gal 1:8
3. The True "Witnesses" Are Witnesses Of Jesus:
They practice an earth wide witness of Jesus Act 1:8
Their message includes salvation in Jesus' name Act 4:12
Their message includes a confession of Jesus before man Luk 12:8, 9
Their faith includes an experience of Jesus in their midst Mat 18:20
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Communion
Only those members of the 144,000 (mentioned in Revelation 6:4 and others) remaining on the earth at any given time can partake in the Communion Supper (the bread and the cup). Members of the "great crowd" or "earthly class" -- as the society designates those Witnesses not among the 144,000 -- are forbidden to take of the Communion Supper.
What the Bible Says about COMMUNION:
1. Communion is for ALL Christians:
All believers are to partake of it 1Cr 10:16, 17
Believers are to break bread regularly Act 2:41, 42
Believers are to partake of it until Jesus comes 1Cr 11:26
2. Those For Whom Jesus Died Share In Communion:
Note Jesus' Own Words: "And He took bread, and gave thanks, and broke it, and gave unto them, saying, 'This is my body, which is given for you; this do in remembrance of me. "Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, 'this is the New Testament in my blood, which is shed for you.'Luk 22:14-19
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: The Cross
The cross is a pagan symbol and was not the instrument of death used by the Romans to kill Jesus. Jesus died on a torture stake (or pole). The cross does not picture the death or the resurrection of Jesus. It is not the Christian symbol nor is it a symbol of hope.
What the Bible Says about THE CROSS
1. There Is No Question That Jesus Died On A Cross Rather Than On A Torture Stake:
A torture stake required one nail in the hands (nailed over the head), but the Bible says there were two nails used in the hands Jhn 20:25
The Bible says Jesus' hands were outstretched, not over His head during his death Jhn 21:18, 19
The Romans placed a sign above Jesus' head, not above his hands; if He had died on a stake, the normal reference would have been to the hands which would have been nailed over the head Mat 27:37
The thieves that died with Him were described as being on the right hand and the left, as opposed to "at the side of" or "at His left and right" Mar 15:25-27
2. It Is To Be Expected That There Would Be Confusion Concerning The Cross As An Emblem For Christ, For The Bible Indicates There Will Be Such Confusion:
The Cross is foolishness to unbelievers 1Cr 1:18, 23; 2:2
There will be enemies of the Cross Phl 3:18, 19
The cross, though demeaned by men, will bring glory Gal 6:14
Believer are to pick up their cross and follow Jesus Mat 16:24
NOTE: The Watchtower Society claims in the Kingdom Interlinear, pages 1155 and 1156, that Jesus died on a torture stake not a cross. To support their case, they cite a reference to Decruce Liber Primus by the 16th century author, Justus Lipsius. Included with this reference is a copy of an etching from page 19 of Decruce Liber Primus in which the torture stake is detailed with a victim suffering on it. But, at another point in the same work, Justus himself states explicitly that such a device was not used in the torture death of Jesus: on page 47, he pictures Jesus on a conventional 4 piece cross (vertical stake, foot board, cross bar, and sign). As evidence for his conclusion about the cross he cites various early church fathers who were aware of the Roman practices in Jerusalem during the era in which Christ died.
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Death
When a person dies, their body and soul return to the dust. The life force, spirit-breath, does not return to God, but God keeps the person in His memory and restores him if He should desire to do so.
What the Bible Says about DEATH:
1. Man's True Nature Is Described In The Bible:
He consists of a physical body, a soul, and a spirit 1Th 5:23; Hbr 4:12
2. What Happens To Man At Death Is Also Described:
The BODY returns to the dust from which it came Gen 3:19
The SOUL goes to heaven or hell Rev 6:9-11
The SPIRIT leaves body Jam 2:26; Ecc 12:7
The BODY and SOUL are separate and distinct Mat 10:28
The BODY and SPIRIT are separate and distinct Jam 2:26
3. The Nature & Characteristics Of Man's Spirit:
It is man's immortal nature 1Cr 2:11
It is the believer's immortal nature 1Cr 5:3, 5
It is an inward, genuine reality Rom 2:29
Man does experience a disembodied state Hbr 12:23; 1Pe 3:19
It is the seat of his consciousness Jdg 15:19
It is the center of his emotions 1Ki 21:5
It is subject to divine influence Deu 2:30; Isa 19:14
It leaves the body at death Ecc 12:7; Jam 2:26
The spirit of a person Luk 8:49-55
Spirit understands Job 32:8
Spirit in man, not breath Zec 12:1
Spirit belongs to God 1Cr 6:20
NOTE: It is a mistake to assume -- at the Society often does -- that the word SPIRIT and the word BREATH mean the same thing. To demonstrate this fact, note what happens when an attempt is made to substitute the word BREATH for SPIRIT in the following
• Act 23:8 For the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, neither angel, nor spirit: but the Pharisees confess both.
• Act 23:9 And there arose a great cry: and the scribes [that were] of the Pharisees' part arose, and strove, saying, We find no evil in this man: but if a spirit or an angel hath spoken to him, let us not fight against God.
• 1Cr 5:5 To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.
• 2Cr 7:1 Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
• Gal 6:18 Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ [be] with your spirit. Amen.
4. The Nature & Characteristics Of Man's Soul:
The soul of man was created by God and is significantly different from the soul of the animals. Not only is it unique in nature, it is also unique in the value the Lord places on it.
Lives in Hebrew Gen 2:7
Belong to God Eze 18:3, 4
Possess immortality Mat 10:28
Most vital asset Mat 16:26
5. The Soul Leaves the Body At The Time Of Death & Continues To Exist In A Very Real, Conscious Way:
Her soul departed Gen 35:18
His soul came into him again 1Ki 17:20-22
Absent from body, present with the Lord 2Cr 5:6-9
To die is gain Phl 1:21
The sinning soul dies, but the repentant one will live (vs.21); spiritual death is demonstrated Eze 18:4
Wages of sin is death — spiritual death Rom 6:23
The believer that sins will survive death Hbr 10:39; Mic 6:7; Mat 10:28
Slain souls cry out to God Rev 6:9, 10
6. Man's Soul Has Certain Responsibilities:
The soul is to seek and serve the Lord Deu 4:9; 10:12
It stores God's Word Deu 11:18
It is to keep God's Law, and personally obey Him Deu 26:16; 30:2, 6, 10
7. Man's Soul Has Enemies:
Ignorance, Hell Pro 8:36; 23:13
Fleshly lust, evil environment 1Pe 2:11; 2Pe 2:8
8. Souls Of Righteous Men Receive Benefits:
Kept by God Psa 121:7
Not allowed to famish Pro 10:3
Restored Psa 23:1, 3
Satisfied Pro 13:25
With God Forever Rev 20:4
9. Souls Of Wicked Men Receive Penalties:
They have the distressing desire to continue in evil Pro 21:10
They will be cut short and shall die Luk 12:19, 20; Eze 18:20
They will be punished Rom 2:9
10. The Nature Of Man's Body As Described In The Bible:
Body and soul separate Mat 10:28
Flesh upon, soul within Job 14:22
11. The Nature Of Man's Body As Created By God:
Made by God, in His image Gen 2:7; 9:6
Subject to death Rom 5:12
Instrument of evil Rom 1:24-32
12. The Nature Of Man's Body As A Result Of Salvation:
Temple of Holy Spirit 1Cr 6:19
Christ the center of Rom 6:8-11
Dead to sin and law Rom 8:10; 7:4
13. The Nature Of Man's Body As Promised In The Resurrection:
Redeemed, raised Rom 8:23
Changed, glorified Rom 8:29
14. Man's Death As Described In The Bible:
Returns to dust Gen 3:19
The soul actually departs from the body Phl 1:23; 2Ti 4:6
Man dies and then he faces judgment Hbr 9:27
As Paul explains it, to be absent from the physical body is to be present with Lord 2Cr 5:6-8
It means separation of soul from God Eph 2:1
It means everlasting punishment Mat 25:46
It means a resurrection to damnation Jhn 5:29
ETERNAL DEATH (Banishment from God):
Second death 2Th 1:9; Rev 20:15; 21:8
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: False Doctrine
The doctrines of the Trinity, Hell and immortality of the human soul are all doctrines of the Devil.
What the Bible Says about FALSE DOCTRINES:
Perverting the Gospel Gal 1:6, 7
Deception of Satan 2Cr 11:13-15
Deceive many Mat 24:5, 24
Attract many 2Pe 2:2
Covetous Tts 1:11
Love error 2Ti 4:3, 4
Avoid Rom 16:17, 18
Test 1Jo 4:1
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Date Setting
Jehovah's Witnesses announced the date of Christ's return as 1914. During that year Christ came into His heavenly kingdom and fulfilled the promises in the Bible of His return.
What the Bible Says about DATE SETTING:
No man knows the day or hour of Christ's return Mat 24:36, 42
Jesus taught through parables that no one knows the date Mat 25:1-13
*NOTE – It only takes one wrong date to be a false prophet…
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: The Deity of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is God's active force. It is not a person, and has no voice or personality of its own, and is not part of any Trinity.
What the Bible Says about...THE DEITY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT:
The Bible Reveals That The Holy Spirit Has The Attributes Of God The Father:
(a brief look)
Called God Act 5:3, 4
Joined with Father and Son Mat 28:19; 2Cr 13:14
Eternal Hbr 9:14
Omnipotent Luk 1:35
Omniscient 1Cr 2:10, 11
Omnipresent Psa 139:7-13
Creator Gen 1:2
Sovereign 1Cr 12:6, 11
Holy Ghost:
His personality is proved ( 1) from the fact that the attributes of personality, as intelligence and volition, are ascribed to him ( Jhn 14:17,26; 15:26; 1Cr 2:10,11; 12:11). He reproves, helps, glorifies, intercedes (Jhn 16:7-13; Rom 8:26). ( 2) He executes the offices peculiar only to a person. The very nature of these offices involves personal distinction (Luk 12:12; Act 5:32; 15:28; 16:6; 28:25; 1Cr 2:13; Hbr 2:4; 3:7; 2Pe 1:21).
His divinity is established ( 1) from the fact that the names of God are ascribed to him ( Exd 17:7; Psa 95:7; Hbr 3:7-11); and ( 2) that divine attributes are also ascribed to him, omnipresence ( Psa 139:7; Eph 2:17,18; 1Cr 12:13); omniscience ( 1Cr 2:10,11); omnipotence ( Luk 1:35; Rom 8:11); eternity ( Hbr 9:4). ( 3) Creation is ascribed to him ( Gen 1:2; Job 26:13; Psa 104:30), and the working of miracles ( Mat 12:28; 1Cr 12:9-11). ( 4) Worship is required and ascribed to him ( Isa 6:3; Act 28:25; Rom 9:1; Rev 1:4; Mat 28:19).
The Holy Spirit: as God
As Jehovah Exd 17:7; Hbr 3:7-9; Num 12:6; 2Pe 1:21
As Jehovah of hosts Isa 6:3,8-10; Act 28:25
As Jehovah, Most High Psa 78:17,21; Act 7:51
Being invoked as Jehovah Luk 2:26-29; Act 4:23-25; 1:16,20; 2Th 3:5
As eternal Hbr 9:14
As the Spirit of glory and of God 1Pe 4:14
As Creator Gen 1:26,27; Job 33:4
As equal to, and one with the Father Mat 28:19; 2Cr 13:14
As Sovereign Disposer of all things Dan 4:35; 1Cr 12:6,11
As raising Christ from the dead Act 2:24; 1Pe 3:18; Hbr 13:20; Rom 1:4
As the source of wisdom 1Cr 12:8; Isa 11:2; Jhn 16:13; 14:26
As dwelling in saints Jhn 14:17; 1Cr 14:25; 3:16; 6:19
As Comforter of the Church Act 9:31; 2Cr 1:3
As sanctifying the Church Eze 37:28; Rom 15:16
As the Witness Hbr 10:15; 1Jo 5:9
As convincing of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment Jhn 16:8-11
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Deity of Jesus Christ
In His Pre-existence, Jesus Christ was the angelic being described in the Bible as Michael the Archangel. He has only the power and nature of a created angelic being. The Society has drawn this conclusion and teaches this as a doctrine as a result of their understanding of certain Scripture references (Col 1:15-17 and Jhn 1:1. Also see Rev 3:14).
What the Bible Says about The DEITY OF JESUS:
In order to understand the Society's position on this issue and in order to be able to see the way in which they have deviated from and even deliberately changed the plain teaching of the Scriptures, we examine their translation of two key passages (as found in the 1984 edition of the Society's New World Translation):
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; because by means of him all [other] things were created in heavens and upon the earth, the thing visible and the things invisible, no matter whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All [other] things have been created through him and for him. Also, he is before all [other] things and by means of him all [other] things were made to exist.Colossians 1:15 NWT Who is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of every creature:
For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers:
all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. Colossians 1:15-17 KJV
In [the] beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the word was a god.John 1:1 NWT In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.John 1:1 KJV
1. The Society Alters Bible Words & Their Meanings To Conform To Their Particular Views About The Deity Of Jesus Christ:
a. Words That Are Misunderstood...
The Meaning Of: "Beginning"
The Society understands the word to mean "that which comes at the start of something," but the Bible also uses this word to mean "the origin, source, and first cause, or, that which stands in the prime position." See Rev 3:14
The Meaning Of: "Firstborn"
Priority, pre-eminence, prime position Col 1:15
Although Esau was the firstborn, he could legitimately sell that position (his birthright) to his brother Gen 24:31
Birthright transferred 1Ch 5:1
Firstborn Manasseh, second Ephraim -- yet the reverse order is spoken of in terms of birthright Gen 41:51-52
Ephraim is my "firstborn" Jer 31:9
David is firstborn, even though David was actually the youngest son in his family Psa 89:27
b. Words That Have Been Altered.
Inserted the word "other" Col 1:16, 17
Added "a" making Jesus a God Jhn 1:1
2. FACT: The Bible Reveals That There Is Only One God...
There is no God with me Deu 32:39
No God formed before me or after Isa 43:10, 11
No God Isa 44:6, 8
None else Isa 45:5, 6, 21
None like me /kjv/Isa/Isa046.html - 9Isa 46:9
3. FACT: The Bible Reveals That Jesus Is Called God...
The Word was God Jhn 1:1
Thomas said: "My Lord and My God" Jhn 20:28
God calls Jesus God Hbr 1:8
I AM-God's name in the Old Testament Exd 3:14
I AM-Before Abraham I AM Jhn 8:58
Not robbery to be equal to God Phl 2:6
4. FACT: The Bible Teaches That Jesus Is Deity...
It was prophesied Isa 9:6
Acknowledged by Thomas Jhn 20:18
Affirmed by the Apostles Rom 9:5; Hbr 1:8
Acclaimed by witnesses Jhn 1:14, 18
5. FACT: The Bible Teaches That Jesus Has The Attributes Of God The Father...
All powerful Mat 28:18
All knowing Col 2:3
Ever present Mat 18:20
Eternal Jhn 1:1, 2, 15
6. FACT: The Bible Teaches That Jesus Is Worshipped By...
The Old Testament saints Jos 5:13-15
The Demons Mar 5:6
A certain blind man Jhn 9:38
The Angels Hbr 1:6
The Disciples Luk 24:52
The Saints in glory Rev 7:9, 10
Eventually, by everyone Phl 2:10, Mat 9:18; 15:25; 28:29
7. FACT: The Bible Teaches That Jesus Is Not An Angel...
No angel is or can ever be called God's son Hbr 1:5, 6
World not in subjection to any angel Hbr 2:5
He did not take on the nature of angels Hbr 2:16
Glorified with God -- not the angels Jhn 17:5
All power given to Him, in heaven and earth Mat 28:18
He has a name that is above all names Phl 2:9, 10
God will not share His glory with any other Isa 42:8
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Disfellowshipping
Jehovah's Witnesses use I Corinthians 5:11-13, II John 9-11 and I Timothy 5:20 to forbid their followers to speak to anyone who has left their organization, on the grounds that they are apostate.
What the Bible Says about DISFELLOWSHIPPING:
1. The Bible Teaches an Apostate is...
One who has left the doctrine of Christ 2Jo 9-11
False anointed ones, teaching an invisible secret presence of Jesus Christ Mat 24:23-27
One coming on the basis of Jesus' name, saying I am the Christ Mat 24:5, 24
Ones teaching that the day of Jehovah and the presence of Christ were already here 2Th 2:1, 2
Teaching that the resurrection had already occurred 2Ti 2:16-18
2. The Bible Does NOT Teach Disfellowshipping For Sin Alone:
The issue in question when we examine what the Bible says about "disfellowshipping" is the PURPOSE of the activity. The clear purpose is to remove (from contact with the fellowship of believers) those individuals who are not only sinning but who are in some active way recruiting other to join with them in their sin. In other words, it is to put at a distance between true believers and those apostate who have begun to teach that sin -- whatever that sin may be -- is acceptable.
The form of that sin is usually related to disrespect for the humanity or the deity of Christ. It is probable that such people are not nor never were true believers. [See II John 7-11] In contract to the Society's position on the subject, the Bible teaches the "disfellowshipping" was never designed to deal with sinners. Sinners are to be dealt with in a way clearly outlined in the following passages...
Accept the one who is weak Rom 14:1-4
Restore a fallen one with gentleness Gal 6:1-5
Beware of those who deliver you up to councils Mat 10:17
Step by step believers are to confront the sinner with goal of rescuing him* Mat 18:15-20
The Bible says not to receive anyone into the home that has left the doctrine of Christ. (Leaving the Watchtower Society does not qualify someone for this type of discipline) 2Jo 9-11
• NOTE: An individual who has become hardened and unrepentant with regard to sin, and does not respond to personal or corporate discipline, is to be treated as an unbeliever -- not as an apostate. An unbeliever needs the Gospel and our prayers. An apostate is dangerous to himself and to believers and should be avoided.
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: The Flag
Saluting a flag is an act of idolatry; when we show respect to a flag, we are doing an act of worship to another God.
What the Bible Says about FLAGS:
God instructed the children of Israel to encamp under their standard (Hebrew: DEGAL, meaning flag) Num 2:2
We are to give honor and respect were it is due /kjv/Rom/Rom013.html - 1Rom 13:1-7
Standard (flag) went before the people Num 10:14, 18, 22
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: False Prophets
The Society claims to be God's Prophet for this present age. It has explicitly made the claim of being God's spokesman to the world in numerous articles and books, including the following: The Watchtower, March 15, 1972-p.189; April 1, 1972-p.197, 200; The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah, pp.58 & 70; Holy Spirit, p.148-Remnant, prophesying; p.30-Preaching & prophesying
What the Bible Says about FALSE PROPHETS
1. Deuteronomy 18:20-22 and Matthew 7:15-20 Provide God's Testing Procedure For A True Prophet:
A true prophet would speak in Jehovah's name and the things foretold would come to pass.
A careful examination of various Society publications reveals that they have made statements and predictions over the years that have not been true or have not come to pass [see EXPOSE: of Jehovah's Witnesses, by Erich & Jean Grieshaber for a list of these statements and predictions].
We find the Society is not able to pass the test of a true Prophet of God. False Prophets are condemned in the Scriptures and we are told to flee from them...
Condemned to die 1Ki 13
Punishment of prophet and seekers the same Eze 14:10
Cast into the Lake of Fire Rev 19:20; 20:20
Punish the man and his house Jer 23:16, 26
Prophets treacherous Zep 3:1-4
Shall say I am no prophet Zec 13:1-7
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Jehovah as the name of God
The Society believes that those who do not use God's name, which they understand to be JEHOVAH, cannot be identified as His people. (Acts 15:14)
The use of a special word as a way to identify with a particular God or religion is an ancient pagan practice dating back centuries. A word is itself has no more power than any of the "mantras" or mystical words of the eastern religions. The word "Jehovah" carries with it no unusual or mystical significance. Confirmation of this can be see in the fact that "Jehovah" as a designation for God the Father does not appear even once in the New Testament. The many appearances of this in the New World Translation of the New Testament (produced by the Society) has no historical or manuscript basis whatsoever. It is absolutely and completely an invention by the Society. Furthermore, the use of the word "Jehovah" is a genuine embarrassment to the Watchtower Society in that it represents a linguistic mistake: the word is a result of a mistransliteration of the word "Yahweh" (that is, "the eternally existing One") plus the word the ancient Hebrews used in its place, "Adonai" or Lord. The ancient Hebrew scribes were concerned that they might somehow misuse the name of God and thus even inadvertently violate the Third Commandment. As a precaution, they placed the four consonants for the name of God (YHWH) in the text of the Scripture as they copied it but included the vowels of word for "Lord" which they would speak in its place. This jumble of consonants of one word and the vowels of the other led to the appearance and use of the word "Jehovah." Consider also the many other names and titles for God found in the Scriptures. (See below and also consult Names of God, by N. J. Stone and The Names of Christ, by F. H. Derk for a list of these and a discussion concerning their frequency of use and their significance.) The Bible does NOT teach that we can be identified with God because of the use of any particular word or name. We are identified with God when we are reconciled to Him through the death of His Son. John 1:12, Revelation 3:20.
1. The Primary Names Of God Are:
English Form Hebrew Equivalent
God El, Elah, Elohim
Lord YHWH Yahweh
Lord Adon or Adonai
2. Compound Names Using El (God) Include:
Almighty God El Shaddai
Most High or Most High God El Elyon
Everlasting God El Clam
Mighty God El Gibbor
3. Compound Names Using YHWH (Yahweh) — LORD Include:
Lord God YHWH (Jehovah) Elohim
Lord God Adonai YHWH (Jehovah)
Lord of Host YHWH (Jehovah) Sabaoth
4. Some Of The Many Names of God:
God Gen 1:1
God Almighty Gen 2:4
Most High God Gen 14:18-22
Lord God Gen 15:2, 8
Almighty God Gen 17:1
Everlasting God Gen 21:33
God Almighty Gen 28:3
I AM Exd 3:14
Jehovah Exd 6:3
Jealous Exd 34:14
Eternal God Deu 33:27
Living God Jos 3:10
Mighty God Jer 32:18
Heavenly Father Mat 6:26
King Eternal 1Ti 1:17
Only Potentate 1Ti 6:15
Father of Lights Jam 1:17
NOTE: We point out a remarkable inconsistency. In the Old Testament, the Society chose to translate the word "Adonai" (Lord) as "Jehovah" in every case it refers to God. (See, for example, Isaiah 9:8) The New World Translation apparently chose not do this in New Testament for Kurios (Lord) because this would prove that Jesus is Yahweh after all.
Jesus' name is above every name Phl 2:9
Saul (Paul) chosen to bear Jesus' name Act 9:15
We receive grace and apostleship for His name Rom 1:5
NOTE: A case is frequently made that the actual name "Jehovah" is vital for blessing as the phrase "in the name of the Lord" (the Society inserts "Jehovah" for "Lord") appears many times. To do something in "the name of" someone is to use their authority or their standing or their reputation, not to simply recite the word used to designate their personage.
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Good news
The Good News of the Kingdom (or the Gospel) is that Jesus has been ruling and reigning since 1914.
What the Bible Says about The GOOD NEWS:
1. The Bible Teaches That The Gospel Was Taught Even In The Days Of The Apostles:
Gospel is preached, received and people are saved 1Cr 15:1-4
The Gospel saves instantly Act 2:37-42; Rom 10:8-13
2. The Bible Describes The Gospel:
God Rom 1:1
Christ 2Cr 2:12
Peace Eph 6:15
3. The Bible Defines The Gospel:
Of supernatural origin Gal 1:10-12
God's power Rom 1:16
Mystery Eph 6:19
4. The Bible Says The Gospel Is The Source Of:
Men are begotten through Gospel 1Cr 4:15
Peace Eph 6:15
5. The Bible Says The Gospel Is Proclaimed by:
Old Testament Gal 3:8
Prophets Rom 1:2
Jesus and John Mar 1:14, 15
Chosen Men 1Pe 1:12
6. The Bible Says The Gospel Is Proclaimed to:
All people Mar 16:15, 16
At all times Rev 14:6
With boldness Eph 6:19
7. The Bible Says The One Who Believes In The Gospel...
Is sealed into the family of believers by the H.S. Eph 1:13
Will defend the Gospel and those that proclaim it Phl 1:7, 17, 27
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Grace
The Watchtower Society teaches we are not saved by grace alone. To be saved one must be an active Jehovah's Witness following all of the rules and regulations of the Society.
What the Bible Says about GRACE:
1. Human Effort Is Not The Basis For Salvation:
The Bible teaches that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, through faith, not of works. Eph 2:8, 9
2. Key Passages Describing The Nature And Function Of Grace:
God's favor Gen 6:8
Grace, not works Rom 11:6
All abundant Rom 5:15-20
Work of God Jhn 6:28, 29
Faith counted as righteousness Rom 4:5
Grace, not Law Jhn 1:17; Rom 6:14
All sufficient 2Cr 12:9
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Hell
The Society teaches that Hell is the grave, that man experiences ANNIHILATION [he ceases to exist] there. It is not a place of everlasting punishment. The New World Translation translates the word SHEOL as grave, pit and hell.
What the Bible Says about HELL And Related Terms:
1. Sheol:
In the Old Testament it usually means place of the departed spirits Psa 16:10
2. Hades:
Usually means place of the departed spirits in NT Act 2:27
3. Tartarus:
The deepest abyss of Hades prepared for the Devil and his angels Mat 25:41-46
*Note Tartarus is considered to be as below Hell as earth is from Heaven
3. Grave [QUEBER In Hebrew]:
"he was buried in the grave of his father" 2Sa 17:23
NOTES: SHEOL and HADES occasionally can be translated "grave" but not always. QUEBER always means "grave" where the body goes. Sheol, Iiades, and Queber are not used interchangeably.
4. Hell As Described In The Bible:
Everlasting fire Mat 25:41
Eternal punishment Mat 25:46
Outer darkness Mat 8:12
Everlasting destruction 2Th 1:9
Lake of fire Rev 19:20
5. The Purpose For Hell:
For the devil and his angels Mat 25:41
For the wicked Rev 21:8
For the disobedient Rev 2:8, 9
For the fallen angels 2Pe 2:4
For the beast and the false prophets Rev 19:20
For the worshipers of the beast Rev 14:9
For the rejectors of the Gospel Mat 13:41-42
6. The Nature Of The Punishment Experienced By The Residents Of Hell:
Bodily Mat 5:29, 30
In the soul Mat 10:28
With degrees Mat 23:14
Unchangeable Luk 16:22-31
7. Surprises For The Inhabitants Of Hell:
They possess memory Luk 16:23, 25
They cry for release Luk 16:24
They cannot escape from God Psa 139:8
NOTE: As Bible students examine the passages on the subject "Hell" they soon discover that the Lord Jesus had more to say about this subject than anyone.
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Holiday
The Society does not believe in celebrating any holidays (national or otherwise) and condemn those who do.
What the Bible Says about HOLIDAYS:
"Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink or in respect of a holiday, or of the Sabbath" Col 2:16-23
"One man esteems one day above another...Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind" Rom 14:5
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Heaven
Heaven is limited to 144,000 spirit-begotten ones redeemed from the earth starting with the Apostles.
What the Bible Says about HEAVEN:
1. Heaven is reserved for:
Righteous Mat 25:34, 37
Changed, saved 1Cr 15:51; Jhn 3:5, 18, 21
Called, obedient 2Pe 1:10, 11; Rev 22:14
All members of one Body, not heavenly class and earthly class 1Cr 12:12-31
All in one Fold with one Shepherd Jhn 10:16
2. Believers In Heaven Are:
Citizens of Heaven Phl 3:20
Partakers of the Heavenly calling Hbr 3:1
3. Old Testament Believers Are There:
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in Heaven Mat 8:11
All the prophets with them Luk 13:28
Desire a better country, a heavenly one Hbr 11:8-16
4. Christ Dwells Among Them:
Four beasts and twenty-four elders Rev 5:8-10
One-hundred and forty-four thousand Rev 14:1-5
Great multitude Rev 7:9-17
5. The 144,000 Will Not Be Chosen Until The 6th Seal Is Broken:
The 6th seal is broken Rev 6:12
Day of wrath comes Rev 6:17
After the day of wrath Rev 7:1-3
144,000 are sealed Rev 7:4-8
The 7th seal is broken Rev 8:1
6. Heaven And Earth Will All Be One:
New Heavens and Earth Rev 21:1
The overcoming ones shall inherit all things including Heaven and Earth Rev 21:7; Eph 1:10
*Note Rev 4 makes it abundantly clear as to who the 144,000 are…
• Rev 7:4 And I heard the number of them which were sealed: [and there were] sealed an hundred [and] forty [and] four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.
• Rev 7:5 Of the tribe of Juda [were] sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Reuben [were] sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Gad [were] sealed twelve thousand.
• Rev 7:6 Of the tribe of Aser [were] sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Nepthalim [were] sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Manasses [were] sealed twelve thousand.
• Rev 7:7 Of the tribe of Simeon [were] sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Levi [were] sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Issachar [were] sealed twelve thousand.
• Rev 7:8 Of the tribe of Zabulon [were] sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Joseph [were] sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Benjamin [were] sealed twelve thousand.
* If that still isn’t clear enough we also find out later that all of the 144,000 are virgin men.
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Heirs
The Watchtower Society teaches the Little Flock (known as the 144,000) are the only heirs of Christ, and only they will go to heaven. (Watchtower publication TRUTH THAT LEADS TO ETERNAL LIFE, P.78.
What the Bible Says about HEIRS:
If you belong to Christ you are heirs Gal 3:29
Heirs by faith Gal 4:28-31
Heirs of the Kingdom Jam 2:5
Heirs of eternal life Tts 3:7
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Kingdom
The Watchtower Society teaches the Kingdom of Christ was set up in 1914. THE TRUTH THAT LEADS TO ETERNAL LIFE - P.93.
What the Bible Says about THE KINGDOM:
Christ's Kingdom was established when He ascended to His throne after the resurrection Mat 16:18
The Kingdom of God is in our midst Luk 17:21
Jesus explains that it is a spiritual kingdom Jhn 18:36
Kingdom established on the day of Pentecost Act 2:29-47
Translated us into the Kingdom of His Son Col 1:13
The Kingdom will never be brought to ruin; it is unshakable -- even as the church, and it shall last until the end of time Dan 2:44
The Kingdom cannot be moved Hbr 12:28
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Last Days
Jehovah's Witnesses believe that we have been in the last days since Christ's invisible return in 1914.
What the Bible Says about THE LAST DAYS:
1. Among Christians Today There Are Three Principle Views Concerning The LAST DAYS:
Postmillennialism: This Group is convinced of the spread of the Christian church by the power of the Spirit until it brings the millennial condition upon the earth.
Amillennialism: This group believes that the prophecies made to Israel are fulfilled in the church. If these prophecies are so fulfilled, no millennium on earth is necessary.
Premillennial: The church is removed from the earth in the Rapture. The seven-year period which follows is divided into two three-and-one-half year periods, during the first of which Israel enters into a covenant with the antichrist, who breaks it at the end. The second half begins when Satan overpowers the antichrist and the "time of Jacob's trouble" is poured out on the world. During the seven years of tribulation the kingdom is preached (not the gospel of grace). An elect remnant of Israel, numbering 144,000, survives the tribulation to become the kingdom to which Christ returns after the seven years.
The Following Passages And Outline Explain The Chronology Of Future Events As Suggested By The PREMILLENNIAL View:
1. Initial Events:
Resurrection of the righteous and Rapture of the saints 1Cr 15:51-58; 1Th 4:13-38
Events in Heaven Rom 14:1-12; 2Cr 5:10; 1Cr 3:9-15; Rev 12:7-9; 19:7-9
2. Events on Earth:
The Great Tribulation /kjv/Rev/Rev06.html - 1Rev 6:1-19:21
Reign of antichrist Rev 13:1-18
Armageddon Rev 14:14-20
The Bible states that the battle of Armageddon will be fought in the last 3 ½ year period of the great tribulation Isa 35:1-6
The regathering of Israel Jer 23:3-8; 29:14; 32:37, 38; Eze 11:17; 20:34, 41, 42; 34:12, 13; 37:1-14
The revelation of Christ Rev 19:1-6
3. The Millennial Reign of Christ:
The judgment of nations Rev 20:4
Christ on the Throne Mat 25:31-32
Peace and righteousness on earth Psa 72:17-19; Isa 2:2-4; 11:1-12; 35:1, 2; Jer 23:5-8; Dan 2:44
The final revelation Rev 11:15; 20:5-10
4. The New Creation:
New Heaven and Earth, and new Jerusalem Rev 21:1-22:21
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Mistranslation
The Jehovah's Witness Bible is known as the New World Translation. The Society believes that this version is a most accurate translation of the Bible and is the one they use in their teaching and Bible reading, and they consistently quote it in their literature.
Many scholars refer to the New World Translation as a commentary on the Bible instead of a translation in light of the way the text has been altered to fit the various Society doctrines. These changes are particularly evident when the subjects of hell, the Trinity, or the immortality of the soul are discussed. The following is a representative list of passages altered in the Society's Bible:
Hbr 1:8
Luk 23:43
1Jo 5:20
1Cr 11:30
Phl 2:5
1Cr 14:14
Jhn 1:1
2Cr 5:1
Col 1:15-18
Gal 5:15
Tts 2:13
Gal 6:18
Act 2:17
Hbr 10:39
1Pe 3:18, 19
Hbr 12:9
Jude 1:19
Hbr 12:28
1Jo 4:1-6
Rev 5:10
Rev 8:9
Act 20:7
Mar 1:4
Col 2:12
Observations, Evaluations, And Criticisms of the NEW WORLD TRANSLATION By Noted Greek And New Testament Scholars:
[NOTE: These comments are particularly directed toward the NWT translation of John 1:1, but are indicative of the tone of their observations about the NWT translation in general.]
DR. J.R. MANTEY (who is quoted on pages 1158-1159, of the Society's Kingdom Interlinear Translation): "A shocking mistranslation". "Obsolete and incorrect". "It is neither scholarly nor reasonable to translate John 1:1 "The Word was a god."
DR. BRUCE M. METZGER of Princeton University (Professor New Testament Language and Literature): "A frightful mistranslation...", "erroneous...", "pernicious..." "reprehensible...". "If the Jehovah's Witnesses take this translation seriously, they are polytheists."
DR. SAMUEL J. MIKOLASKI of Zurich, Switzerland: "This anarthrous (used without the article) construction does not mean what the indefinite article 'a' means in English. It is monstrous to translate the phrase 'the Word was a god.'"
DR. PAUL L. KAUFFMAN of Portland, Oregon: "The Jehovah's Witnesses [translators] evidence an abysmal ignorance of the basic tenets of Greek grammar in their mistranslation of John 1:1."
DR. CHARLES L. FEINBERG of La Mirada, California: "I can assure you that the rendering which the Jehovah's Witnesses give John 1:1 is not held by any reputable Greek scholar."
DR. JAMES L. BOYER of Winona Lake, Indiana: "I have never heard of, or read of any Greek scholar who would agree to the interpretation of this [John 1:1] verse insisted upon by the Jehovah's Witnesses... I have never encountered one of them [Society member] who had any knowledge of the Greek language."
DR. WALTER MARTIN (who does not teach Greek but has studied the language): "The translation 'a god' instead of 'God' is erroneous and unsupported by any good Greek scholarship, ancient or contemporary, and is a translation rejected by all recognized scholars of the Greek language, many of whom are not even Christians, and cannot fairly be said to be biased in favor of the orthodox contention."
DR. WILLIAN BARCLAY of the University of Glasgow, Scotland: "The deliberate distortion of truth by this sect is seen in their New Testament translations. John 1:1 is translated: 'the Word was a god.' a translation which is grammatically impossible. It is abundantly clear that a sect which can translate the New Testament like that is intellectually dishonest."
DR. F.F. BRUCE of the University of Manchester, England: "Much is made by Arian amateur grammarians of the omission of the definite article with 'God' in the phrase 'and the Word was God.' Such an omission is common with nouns in a predicative construction... 'a god' would be totally indefensible."
(The late Dr. Barclay and Dr. Bruce are generally regarded as Great Britain's leading Greek scholars. Each have New Testament translations in print.)
DR. ERNEST C. COLWELL of the University of Chicago: "A definite predicate nominative has the article when it follows the verb; it does not have the article when it precedes the verb... this statement cannot be regarded as strange in the prologue of the gospel which reaches its climax in the confession of Thomas: 'My Lord and my God.'--John 20:28."
DR. PHILIP B. HARNER of Heidelberg College: "The verb preceding an anarthrous predicate, would probably mean that the LOGOS was 'a god' or a divine being of some kind, belonging to the general category of THEOS but a distinct being from HO THEOS. In the form the John actually uses, the word THEOS is placed at the beginning for emphasis [thus ruling out the 'a god' translation]."
DR. J. JOHNSON of California State University, Long Beach: "No justification whatsoever for translating THEOS EN HO LOGOS as 'the Word was a god.' There is no syntactical parallel to Acts 23:6 where there is a statement in indirect discourse; John 1:1 is direct... I am neither a Christian nor a Trinitarian."
DR. EUGENE A. NIDA, head of Translation Department, American Bible Society: "With regard to John 1:1, there is of course a complication simply because the New World Translation was apparently done by persons who did not take seriously the syntax of the Greek." (Responsible for the Good News Bible -- the committee worked under him.)
DR. B.F. WESTCOTT (whose Greek New Testament text -- not the English part -- is used in the Kingdom Interlinear Translation): "The predicate (God) stands emphatically first, as in John 4:24. It is necessarily without the article... No idea of inferiority of nature is suggested by [this] form of expression, which simply affirms the true deity of the Word... in the third clause 'the Word' is declared to be 'God', and so included in the unity of the Godhead."
DR. J.J. GRIESBACH (whose Greek New Testament text -- not the English part -- is used in the Society's publication The Emphatic Diaglott): "So numerous and clear are the arguments and testimonies of Scriptures in favor of the true Deity of Christ, that I can hardly imagine how, upon the admission of the Divine authority of Scripture, and with regard to fair rules of interpretation, this doctrine can by any man be called in doubt. Especially the passage, John 1:1-3, is so clear and so superior to all exception, that by no daring efforts of either commentators or critics can it be snatched out of the hands of the defenders of the truth."
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Money
Jehovah's Witnesses boast that they do not take a collection during any of their meetings or gatherings.
The Witnesses do not have to take a collection: the entire operation of the Society is an efficiently run business-like organization that depends heavily on sales of literature and donated labor. All of the magazines, books, etc. published by the Society are sold to individual Jehovah's Witnesses. Whether these items are sold or given away is up to the individual Society member. (The Society gives away just 19 Watchtower each month.) Virtually everything printed is sold to the individual Jehovah's Witness. All land for the Kingdom Halls is donated and individual Witnesses donate construction time. The Witnesses pay everything they have for themselves. As for the printing costs: laborers at the printing factory in Brooklyn, New York receive $14.00 per month, plus room and board. As a consequence, printing costs are greatly reduced. They can thus afford to out-print much of the Christian world, and have free salesmen to deliver their material.
What the Bible Says about MONEY:
Giving by Abraham to Melchizedek Hbr 7:1, 2, 6, 9
Promised by Jacob Gen 28:22
Belongs to Lord Lev 27:30-33
Given to Levites Num 18:21-24
Given by Levites to Priest Num 18:26, 28
Taken to Temple Deu 12:5-19
Promises regarding not to rob God Mal 3:7-12
NOTE: Sales of merchandise has not been nor should ever be the principle means by which the church ministers to its people and its community. Tithing, [giving to the Lord a tenth of that which one receives in wages and income) which is one of the forms of worship revealed and demonstrated in the Bible, is the plan God is using to accomplish His objective, namely, reaching the world with the Gospel.
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Prayer
The Society believes that prayer should be directed ONLY to Jehovah.
What the Bible Says about PRAYER:
1. Prayer should consist of...
Adoration Dan 4:34, 35
Confession 1Jo 1:9
Thanksgiving Phl 4:6
Supplication 1Ti 2:3
Intercession Jam 5:15
We pray to the Father in the name of the Lord Jesus through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Since God is one God manifested in three persons, it is perfectly acceptable to pray to Jesus or to the Holy Spirit. There is no jealousy between the three persons of the Trinity.
2. Examples Of Prayer Directed To Jesus Christ:
Stephen prayed "Lord Jesus..." Act 7:59
Paul prayed "Lord.." Act 9:6
3. Instructions & Examples Concerning Prayer:
Prayer is asking and receiving 1Jo 5:14, 15
Prayer is seeking and finding Col 3:1; Jer 29:12
Prayer is knocking and opening Mat 17:14-21
It is not a sin to pray 1Sa 12:23
We are commanded to pray Mat 26:41
Prayer is the only way to get things from God Jam 4:2
There is joy in prayer Jhn 16:24
Prayer will deliver you out of all your troubles Psa 34:6
Sinners can be saved when they pray Rom 10:13, 14
Pray in all places at all times; pray whenever it is appropriate or needful to pray 1Ti 2:8
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Prejudice
The Society prides itself that the Jehovah's Witnesses have no racial or ethnic prejudice.
While the claim to no prejudice is made, background articles published by the Watchtower Society itself are full of prejudice. Listed are just a few examples:
Watchtower Reprints, Page 5434 of April 1, 1914 -- Blacks and whites separated.
Watchtower Reprints, Pages 3043, 1902 -- "While race exhibits some qualities of superiority over any other."
Watchtower Reprints, Page 2706 of October 1, 1900 -- Tells of William H. Draper who prayed his blackness away and became white.
Watchtower Reprints, Page 3320 of February 15, 1904 -- God can change the Ethiopians skin in his own due time, so he can be brought to perfection.
As long as the Society claims to be God's spokesperson for this day, then anyone has the right to examine any statement made by the Society to discern if indeed the Society has acted as a true prophet of God. Clearly this inconsistency -- a boasting of no prejudice yet clear examples in their own publications -- disqualifies them from claiming the prophetic office. It should be noted that none of these statements have been retracted.
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Resurrection
Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in the physical resurrection of Jesus. They believe he took on different bodies, and was a spirit. The Watchtower Society's publication, Truth That Leads to Eternal Life, p. 52, teaches that Jesus was not given human life again because that would mean he was taking back His ransom.
What the Bible Says about RESURRECTION OF JESUS:
1. Key Facts About The Body And The Resurrection Of Jesus
Ransom paid was Christ's blood, not His body Hbr 9:14, 20
Shed His blood Hbr 9:22
Purchased with His blood Act 20:28
Flesh and blood cannot enter God's Kingdom 1Cr 15:50
"It is I myself, a spirit hath not flesh and bones," then He ate Luk 24:36-43
Thomas touched Jesus' wounds and said, "My Lord and my God Jhn 20:27, 28
Jesus said He would raise His own body Jhn 2:19-21
2. According To The Scriptures, Jesus Was Raised PHYSICALLY From The Dead:
He will return as He left Act 1:9-11
Antichrist denies Jesus is coming in the flesh 2Jo 1:7
If Christ has not been raised our faith is in vain 1Cr 15:14, 17
Believe in your heart that Christ was raised from the dead Rom 10:9
God raised Jesus from the dead Act 2:24
Jesus raised His own body, SOMA — Greek word for tangible physical body Jhn 2:19-21; 10:18
The Holy Spirit raised Jesus from the dead Rom 8:11
3. The Physical Resurrection Of Jesus Christ Is Confirmed By:
The empty tomb Jhn 20:1-9
Angelic testimony Mat 28:5-7
His enemies Mat 28:11
4. Additional Confirmation Came After The Resurrection When Eyewitnesses Saw Him:
Mary Magdalene Mar 16:9
Other women Mat 28:9
Two disciples Luk 24:13-15
Simon Peter Luk 24:34
Ten Apostles Jhn 20:19, 24
Apostles at Sea of Galilee Jhn 21:1
Apostles in Galilee Mat 28:16, 17
600 Brethren 1Cr 15:6
Paul 1Cr 15:8
James 1Cr 15:7
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Assurance of Salvation
The Society member believes they CANNOT know if they have salvation during this life. However, they believe that after the 1,000 year reign of Christ, they will be told if they will receive eternal life. (See: the Watchtower Society publication, Life Everlasting, p.398)
What the Bible Says about ASSURANCE OF SALVATION:
1. The Bible & Assurance Of Salvation:
Sealed unto salvation Eph 1:13; 4:30; 2Cr 1:21, 22
2. The Bible Describes The Various Ways In Which The Believer's Security Is Confirmed:
We may know we have eternal life 1Jo 5:11-13
Sealed with the Holy Spirit Eph 1:13
Jesus will never leave us Hbr 13:5
We have passed from life to death Jhn 5:24
The believer is free Jhn 8:32-36
We have been set free from the law of sin & death Rom 8:2
We shall never face judgment again Jhn 5:24
There is no condemnation Rom 8:1
The old man of the flesh is put to death Rom 6:3-6
There is new life in Christ 2Cr 5:17; Gal 2:20
We have become identified in Christ Col 3:3; 1Cr 15:21, 22
Nothing can separate us from Christ Rom 8:35-39
He is able to save believers forever Hbr 7:25
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Second Coming of Jesus
The Watchtower Society teaches that Jesus returned invisibly in 1874, then changed the date to His invisible return to earth in 1914. Only the spiritually alert, anointed ones could discern His coming.
What the Bible Says about THE SCOND COMING OF JESUS:
1. The Second Coming Will Be Obvious And Clear To All Mankind:
Christ's second will be literal; He will actually physically come back to the earth as He said Rev 1:7
Jesus forewarns us Mat 24:25
Every eye shall see Him Rev 1:7, 11
False prophets will say, "Here is the Christ Mat 24:23, 24
Shall see Him coming with power and glory Mat 24:30
Shall see the Son coming in the clouds of heaven Mat 26:64
Lord shall descend himself with a shout 1Th 4:16, 17
Unto them who look for Him shall He appear Hbr 9:28
We shall see Him as He is 1Jo 3:2
2. The Purpose Of His Second Coming:
To fulfill His word Jhn 14:3
Raise the dead 1Th 4:13-18
Destroy death 1Cr 15:20, 26
3. The Time Of His Second Coming:
Unknown to man Mat 24:27, 36
After Gospel proclaimed to all Mat 24:14
4. While Waiting For His Second Coming, Believers asked to:
Wait for Jesus 1Cr 1:7
Look for Jesus Tts 2:13
Be ready for Jesus Mat 24:42-51
Pray for the Second Coming Rev 22:20
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Trinity
Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in the Trinity. They believe God is almighty, Jesus is a mighty God, and the Holy Spirit is God's active force.
What the Bible Says about THE TRINITY The Doctrine of the Trinity is implied in the Old Testament (Genesis 1:26, ect.) and revealed in the New Testament (Matthew 3:16, 17, ect.). The Trinity of God (sometimes and more properly designated "Triunity" of God) means his tri-personality exists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in three distinct persons in one God. Each is distinct in their personal characteristics, being clearly distinguished from the other, but equal in power, glory and being [ie, nature].
1. There Is Only One God:
The Lord our God is one Lord Deu 6:4
There is no other god with Me, ie, as far as there being a god, I am the only one in the heaven Deu 32:39
No God was formed before me or after me Isa 43:10
There is no other God Isa 44:6
2. Yet Each Is Called GOD:
Father Eph 4:6; Jhn 6:27
Son Hbr 1:8; Tts 2:13; Jhn 1:1; 20:28, 29; 1Jo 5:20
Holy Spirit Act 5:3, 4
3. Yet Each Is Described As CREATOR:
Father Isa 44:24
Son Jhn 1:1-3
Holy Spirit Job 33:4; 26:13
4. Yet Each Is Described As ETERNAL:
Father Psa 93:2
Son Mic 5:2; Hbr 1:8
Holy Spirit Hbr 9:14
5. Yet Each Is Described As INSPIRED:
Father 2Ti 3:16
Son 1Pe 1:10-11
Holy Spirit 2Pe 1:21
6. Yet Each Is Described As OMNIPRESENT:
Father Jer 23:24
Son Mat 28:20
Holy Spirit Psa 139:7-10
7. Yet Each Is Described As OMISCIENT:
Father Jer 17:10
Son Jhn 2:24
Holy Spirit 1Cr 2:10-12
8. Yet Each Is Described As OMNIPOTENT:
Father Mat 19:26
Son Hbr 1:3
Holy Spirit Rom 15:19
9. Yet Each Is Described As HOLY:
Father Hab 1:12
Son Act 3:14
Holy Spirit Jhn 14:26
10. Yet Each Is Described As RESURRECTED:
Father 1Th 1:10
Son Jhn 2:19-21
Holy Spirit Rom 8:11
11. Yet Each Is Described As TRUTH:
Father 1Th 1:9
Son Jhn 14:6
Holy Spirit Jhn 14:17
12. Yet Each Is Described As SANCTIFYING the Believer:
Father Jhn 10:29
Son Hbr 2:11
Holy Spirit 1Cr 6:11
13. Yet Each Is Described As PRESERVING the Believer to Salvation:
Father Jhn 10:29
Son Jhn 10:28
Holy Spirit Eph 4:30
14. Yet Each Is Described As Being An INDWELLING PRESENCE:
Father Eph 4:6; 2Cr 6:16; Jhn 14:23
Son Col 1:27; Jhn 14:20, 23
Holy Spirit 1Cr 6:19; Jhn 14:17
14. Yet Each Is Described As LEADING Believers:
Father Deu 32:12
Son 1Cr 10:1-4
Holy Spirit Isa 63:11-14
15. Yet Each DRAWS People To Themselves:
Father Jhn 6:44
Son 1Cr 12:3
Holy Spirit Jhn 12:32
16. The Bible Presents Jesus As "Jehovah" [Yahweh] Of The Old Testament: A. In Reference To A Prepared Way
Yahweh Clear up the pathway of Yahweh Isa 40:3
Jesus Prepare ye the way of the Lord Mat 3:3
B. In Reference To Their Worship
Yahweh Every knee will bow (to Yahweh) Isa 45:23
Jesus At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow Phl 2:10
C. In Reference To Their Title
Yahweh I AM (ehyeh in Hebrew) is Yahweh Exd 3:14
Jesus I AM (ego-eimi in Greek) is Jesus Jhn 18:5, 8; 8:58
17. Who Is Coming? -- Who is "The First And The Last"?:
Jehovah is First and Last Isa 44:6
Jesus is coming and is Alpha and Omega Rev 22:12-16
Jehovah is coming and is Alpha and Omega (New World Translation) Rev 1:8
NOTE: It should be pointed out the Society is guilty of a serious act of reductionism in the way they represent the Trinity of God. Their logic goes something like this: they teach that the relationship between the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit should somehow be understood by man. Since the Trinity cannot be understood by man, then it cannot explain the relationship within the Godhead. Of course this is the point exactly: God's nature is past finding out; His ways are unsearchable; etc. The nature of God is beyond the full comprehension of man and that is why He is God! (See Romans 11:33-36)
There are a lot of examples in nature of “triunity” while these can be exemplary of the Trinity and the triune nature of the Godhead, the Trinity is a concept that God alone can and will make evident to the individual.
Some of these examples are:
1. Water – Steam (gas), Ice (solid), Water (liquid). All three are water and all three are in different forms.
2. Egg – The shell, The yoke, The white part. All three are separate but essential to the egg and part of the egg.
*Note: It is important to remember the basic problem concerning the trinity is a misunderstanding of the Who and What. God is one What (the what is His nature which is Divine) The Who is obviously the three persons of the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). An entity is either divine or it is not. If it is divine then it has always been and always will be divine. One cannot become divine, they either are or are not
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: War
Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in taking up arms in military service.
What the Bible Says about WAR:
God uses the sword Rom 13:4
John told the soldiers to be content with their wages Luk 3:12-14
Jesus did not tell the Centurion to leave the service. He said he had not seen greater faith Mat 8:5-10
War: The Israelites had to take possession of the Promised Land by conquest. They had to engage in a long and bloody war before the Canaanitish tribes were finally subdued. Except in the case of Jericho and Ai, the war did not become aggressive till after the death of Joshua. Till then the attack was always first made by the Canaanites. Now the measure of the iniquity of the Canaanites was full, and Israel was employed by God to sweep them away from off the face of the earth. In entering on this new stage of the war, the tribe of Judah, according to divine direction, took the lead.
In the days of Saul and David the people of Israel engaged in many wars with the nations around, and after the division of the kingdom into two they often warred with each other. They had to defend themselves also against the inroads of the Egyptians, the Assyrians, and the Babylonians. The whole history of Israel from first to last presents but few periods of peace.
The Christian life is represented as a warfare, and the Christian graces are also represented under the figure of pieces of armor (Eph 6:11-17; 1Th 5:8; 2Ti 2:3,4). The final blessedness of believers is attained as the fruit of victory (Rev 3:21).
WAR: Divine approval of 2Sa 22:35
Civil Jdg 12:1-6; 20; 2Sa 2:12-31; 3:1; 20; 1Ki 14:30; 16:21; Isa 19:2
Forbidden 2Ch 11:4
Averted Jos 22:11-34
Enemy harangued by the general of the opposing side 2Ki 18:19-36; 2Ch 13:4-12
Of extermination Num 31:7-17; Deu 2:33,34; 3:6; 20:13-18; Jos 6:21,24; 8:24,25; 10:2-40; 11:11-23; 1Sa 15:3-9; 27:8-11
God in Exd 14:13,14; Deu 1:30; 3:21,22; 7:17-24; 20:1,4; 31:6-8,23; 32:29,30; Jos 1:1,5-7,9; Jdg 1:2; 6:16; 7:9; 11:29; 1Sa 17:45-47; 19:5; 30:7,8; 2Sa 5:22-24; 22:18; 1Ki 20:28; Psa 18:34; 76:3; Jer 46:15; Amo 5:8,9; Zec 10:5
God uses, as a judgment Exd 23:24; Lev 26:17,31-39; Deu 28:25-68; 32:30; Jdg 2:14; 2Ki 15:37; 1Ch 5:22,26; 21:12; 2Ch 15:6; 12:1-12; 24:23,24; 33:11; 36; Job 19:29; Psa 44:9-16; 60:1-3; 105:25; Isa 5:1-8,25-30; 9:8-12; 13:3,4,9; 19:2; 34:2-6; 43:28; 45:7; Jer 12:7,12; 46:15-17,21; 47:6,7; 48:10; 49:5; 50:25; Eze 23:22-25; Amo 3:6; 4:11; Zep 1:7-18; Zec 8:10; 14:2
Repugnant to God 1Ch 22:8,9; Psa 68:30; 120:6,7; Rev 13:10
God sends panic in Exd 15:14-16
Threatens defeat in Deu 32:25; 1Sa 2:10; 2Ch 18:12-16; Isa 30:15-17; Eze 15:6-8; 21:9-17
Inflicts defeat in Jos 7:12,13; 2Ch 12:5-8; 24:23,24; Psa 76:3; 78:66; 79:10; Isa 5:25; Jer 46:15,16
Counsels of Jos 22:10-34; Jdg 7:10,11; 2Sa 16:20; 17:1-15; Psa 48:4-7; Pro 11:14; 20:18
Wisdom required in Pro 21:22; 24:6; Ecc 9:14-18; Luk 14:31,32
Tumult of Amo 2:2
Killed in, neglected Isa 14:19; 18:6
Evils of 2Sa 2:26; Psa 46:8; 79:1-3; 137:9; Isa 3:5,25,26; 5:29,30; 6:11,12; 9:5,19-21; 13:15,16; 15; 16:9,10; 18:6; 19:2-16; 32:13,14; 33:8,9; 34:7-15; Jer 4:19-31; 5:16,17; 6:24-26; 7:33,34; 8:16,17; 9:10-21; 10:20; 13:14; 14:18; 15:8,9; 19:7-9; 25:33; 46:3-12; 47:3; 48:28,33; 51:30-58; Lam 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; Eze 33:27; 39:17-19; Hsa 10:14; 13:16; Joe 2:2-10; Amo 1:13; 6:9,10; 8:3; Nah 2:10; 3:3,10; Zec 14:2; Luk 21:20-26; Rev 19:17,18
To cease Psa 46:9; Isa 2:4; Mic 4:3
Wars and rumors of Mat 24:6; Mar 13:7; Luk 21:9
Warfare of saints
Is not after the flesh 2Cr 10:3 Is a good warfare 1Ti 1:18,19
Called the good fight of faith 1Ti 6:12
Is against
The Devil Gen 3:15; 2Cr 2:11; Eph 1:12; Jam 4:7; 1Pe 5:8; Rev 12:17
The flesh Rom 7:23; 1Cr 9:25-27; 2Cr 12:7; Gal 5:17; 1Pe 2:11
Enemies Psa 38:19; 56:2; 59:3 The world Jhn 16:33; 1Jo 5:4,5
Death 1Cr 15:26; in conjunction with Hbr 2:14,15
Often arises from the opposition of friends or relatives Mic 7:6; Mat 10:35,36
To be carried on
Under Christ, as our Captain Hbr 2:10 Under the Lord's banner Psa 60:4
With faith 1Ti 1:18,19 With a good conscience 1Ti 1:18,19
With steadfastness in the faith 1Cr 16:13; 1Pe 5:9; with Hbr 10:23
With earnestness Jud 1:3 With watchfulness 1Cr 16:13; 1Pe 5:8
With sobriety 1Th 5:6; 1Pe 5:8 With endurance of hardness 2Ti 2:3,10
With self-denial 1Cr 9:25-27 With confidence in God Psa 27:1-3
With prayer Psa 35:1-3; Eph 6:18 Without earthly entanglements 2Ti 2:4
Mere professors do not maintain Jer 9:3 Saints are all engaged in Phl 1:30
Must stand firm in Eph 6:13,14 Exhorted to diligence in 1Ti 6:12; Jud 1:3
Encouraged in Isa 41:11,12; 51:12; Mic 7:8; 1Jo 4:4
Helped by God in Psa 118:13; Isa 41:13,14 Protected by God in Psa 140:7
Comforted by God in 2Cr 7:5,6 Strengthened by God in Psa 20:2; 27:14; Isa 41:10
Strengthened by Christ in 2Cr 12:9; 2Ti 4:17
Delivered by Christ in 2Ti 4:18 Thank God for victory in Rom 7:25; 1Cr 15:57
Armor for
The belt of truth Eph 6:14 The breastplate of righteousness Eph 6:14
The preparation of the gospel Eph 6:15
The shield of faith Eph 6:16 The helmet of salvation Eph 6:17; 1Th 5:8
The sword of the Spirit Eph 6:17 Called "the armor of God," Eph 6:11
Called "the armor of righteousness," 2Cr 6:7 Called "the armor of light," Rom 13:12
Not carnal 2Cr 10:4 Mighty through God 2Cr 10:4,5
The whole, is required Eph 6:13 Must be put on Rom 13:12; Eph 6:11
To be on the right hand and left, an idiom meaning: "to attack and to defend." 2Cr 6:7
Victory in, is from God 1Cr 15:57; 2Cr 2:14
Through Christ Rom 7:25; 1Cr 15:57; 2Cr 12:9; Rev 12:11
By faith Hbr 11:33-37; 1Jo 5:4,5
Over the Devil Rom 16:20; 1Jo 2:14 Over the flesh Rom 7:24,25; Gal 5:24
Over the world 1Jo 5:4,5 Over all that exalts itself 2Cr 10:5
Over death and the grave Isa 25:8; 26:19; Hsa 13:14; 1Cr 15:54,55
Triumphant Rom 8:37; 2Cr 10:5
Those who overcome in, will eat of the hidden manna Rev 2:17
Eat from the Tree of Life Rev 2:7 Be clothed in white clothing Rev 3:5
Be pillars in the temple of God Rev 3:12 Sit with Christ on his throne Rev 3:21
Have a white stone, and in it a new name written Rev 2:17
Have power over the nations Rev 2:26
Have the name of God written upon them by Christ Rev 3:12
Have God as their God Rev 21:7
Have the Morning Star Rev 2:28 Inherit all things Rev 21:7
Be confessed by Christ in the presence of God the Father Rev 3:5
Be sons of God Rev 21:7 Not be hurt by the Second Death Rev 2:11
Not have their names blotted out of the Book of Life Rev 3:5
Symbolized by a red horse Rev 6:4
Antiquity of Gen 14:2 Originates in the lusts of men Jam 4:1 A time for Ecc 3:8
Frequently ordered Exd 17:16; Num 31:1,2; Deu 7:1,2; 1Sa 15:1-3
Taught His people the art of 2Sa 22:35 Strengthens His people for Lev 26:7,8
Gives the victory in Num 21:3; Deu 2:33; 3:3; 2Sa 23:10; Pro 21:31
Causes to cease Psa 46:9 Scatters those who delight in Psa 68:30
Large armies frequently engaged in 2Ch 13:3; 14:9 Weapons used in Jos 1:14; Jdg 18:11
Consultation Luk 14:31; Pro 24:6 Great preparation Joe 3:9
Rumors Jer 4:19; Mat 24:6 Frequently long continued 2Sa 3:1
Frequently sore and bloody 1Sa 14:22; 1Ch 5:22; 2Ch 14:13; 28:6
Famine Isa 51:19; Jer 14:15; Lam 5:10 Pestilence Jer 27:13; 28:8
Cruelty Jer 18:21; Lam 5:11-14 Devastation Isa 1:7
Records often kept of Num 21:14 Often sent as a punishment for sin Jdg 5:8
Were expert in 1Ch 12:33,35,36; Sgs 3:8
Frequently engaged in (See Joshua chapters 6 through 11) 1Ki 14:30; 15:7,16
Our contest with death Ecc 8:8
The contest of saints with the enemies of their salvation Rom 7:23; 2Cr 10:3; Eph 6:12; 1Ti 1:18
The contest between Antichrist and the Church Rev 11:7; 13:4,7
The malignity of the wicked Psa 55:21
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Works
The Society holds that faith without works is dead (James 2:26). In their publication Make Sure of All Things, p.438, they teach "Faith must be demonstrated by consistent works."
What the Bible Says about WORKS:
The work of God is belief in His Son Jhn 6:28, 29
But to him that worketh not, but believe on Him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness Rom 4:5
Save not by works Eph 2:8, 9
Inheritance -- Imperishable kept in Heaven 1Pe 1:4
Crucified with Christ, live by faith in Him Gal 2:20-21
The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society: Worship
The Society does not believe in worshipping Jesus: since Jesus is not Jehovah and only Jehovah is worthy of our worship, then Jesus should not be worshipped.
What the Bible Says about WORSHIP:
Jesus accepted worship from Thomas Jhn 20:28
All angels told to worship Jesus Hbr 1:6
Wise men worshipped Him Mat 2:11
Leper worshipped Jesus Mat 8:2
Ruler bowed to Jesus Mat 9:18
Blind man worshipped Jesus Jhn 9:38
Woman worshipped Him Mat 15:25
Mary Magdalene worshipped Him Mat 28:9
Disciples worshipped Him Mat 28:17
NOTE: The Greek word PROSKUNEO is translated "worship" with reference to Jehovah twenty-two times in the New World Translation. The same word when used with reference to Jesus is translated as obeisance, reverence, and homage. This distorts the fact that actual worship was acknowledged and accepted by Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
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