Monday, January 11, 2010

January 9

Today's Bible reading...

Genesis 20:1-22:24 - To know what it is to be "poor in Spirit" one must first understand what it is to not possess all things or anything. Abraham had a lot of money, good, things, animals etc but the thing he treasured more than anything was his son. So much so, that Isaac took the place of God in the heart of Abraham. And so rightly God asks for the sacrifice of Isaac to remove Him from the throne of Abraham's heart. And before Abraham could do the boy any harm God stops Abraham from sacrificing the boy if only to say "I wanted to see what you are willing to do, but more to show you what you are willing to do". And Isaac takes his rightful place a beloved son and not on the throne of Abraham's heart a position only reserved for God.

The same goes for us, how easily things creep and crawl their way to sit on the throne of our heart, taking God's place. Riches, idols, fleshly appetites etc all have a way of consistently moving toward the center of our being to our heart where they dig in, like a weed, and can only be removed through an act of bloody sacrifice. An act that will cost you something. Yes you will it cost, it may hurt emotionally or even physically but allowing something to take God's place has never once been a pretty thing and an even worse situation te longer it goes on.

Lord Jesus please help remove all things that have taken your place in my heart. Please reign as Lord over my heart and life. I open y heart to you alone. I repent of those things I have made idols and allowed to become an idol ad take your place. Thank you for your forgivness and love and mercy, in Jesus name amen

Matthew 7:15-29

Psalm 9:1-12

Proverbs 2:16-22

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